Friday 11 November 2011

How To Repair Your Car's Power Windows

!±8± How To Repair Your Car's Power Windows

As you're driving down the turnpike and approaching the tollbooth, you reach for the switch to lower your window and nothing happens. The switch moves but the window does not budge. Not even a noise from the window motor can be heard which strongly suggests to you that the device is not functioning. You must stop your car and open up the door to pay the attendant before continuing on your trip. Thoughts of an expensive car repair bill are dancing through your head, putting you in a foul mood and tempering the anticipated fun of your getaway weekend. Don't despair: you can repair the power window yourself and save a bundle over expensive dealership charges. Let's take a look at the steps you can take to fix the problem yourself and save a lot of cash in the process.

Before assuming that the window regulator must be replaced you should first rule out the possibility of dirty electrical contacts. On most cars the main power for all switches goes through the master switch located at the driver's console. Sometimes the switch is dirty causing the window to malfunction. If this is the case, take the necessary steps to clean the contact and your problem should be resolved.

Should you determine that the contacts are clean and your switch is functioning, then it is likely that the motor has burned out and is in need of replacing. Whether you are installing a Honda window regulator or a Volkswagen window regulator, or a regulator for any other make the steps involved in replacing a window regulator are usually quite similar:

1. Remove the door panel for the affected window.

2. Locate and remove the bolts holding the regulator to the door; it is likely you will have to manually lower the window in order to access the bolts.

3. Remove the old regulator, disconnect all wiring, and replace the old regulator with a new one you have purchased from a parts supplier. Shop online to find the best value as you will pay a mint if you order one through a dealership.

4. Tighten the bolts holding the new regulator and reinstall the moisture barrier. Make sure all the wires are put back in the door before closing the door panel.

5. Engage the power window switch and the new regulator should work unimpeded.

Of course, follow your car's repair manual for specific instructions.

I've given to you a general outline to convince you that this is a task that even a novice mechanic can handle - in other words: you can do it! By handling the problem yourself, you'll save plenty of money by avoiding garages who will mark up the replacement part as well as tack on several hours of labor costs to your bill. Shop online to compare prices and to receive the best shipping and handling arrangements available.

How To Repair Your Car's Power Windows

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Thursday 27 October 2011

Video Examples of Jelqing

!±8± Video Examples of Jelqing

One way to get a good idea of what exactly the penis enlarging exercise known as jelqing consists of is through video examples of jelqing. This will show you what words can't describe - the actual enlarging exercise live and in motion.

Obviously there are some obstacles in finding good video examples of jelqing. Because of the nature of penis exercising you are not going to easily find these online without knowing where to look.

Here I reveal where you can find these videos, even some that are for free.

1. Membership sites.

First off, any good membership site should have some good video examples of jelqing. Obviously the catch is that you will have to sign up and pay for the membership. But ultimately that's what you'll probably want to do anyway. I've tried figuring it out on my own for free, but literally months of trial and error went by before I plunked down for a membership site and then the real enlargement gains started to occur.

2. Free videos.

Now hold on, before joining up to a member site, maybe you just want to get an idea of what the exercise looks like to see if it's something you will be comfortable with doing. That's where the free jelqing videos can come into play. Now, of course the big struggle is finding a good free video, and how can you find one that isn't explicit? Well believe it or not some instructors have come up with some very creative ways to show you the enlargement exercises, without being explicit. Matter of fact some of them have a slight humorous slant to them while still being very educational and informative. So the point is, these videos do exist and before getting into a member site, you might want to give a free video a look and decide if you want to go further.

Video Examples of Jelqing

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Friday 30 September 2011

5 levels of committed relationships

!±8± 5 levels of committed relationships

Have you ever wondered: why is our relationship so difficult? Things were so perfect when we first met - what happened? Most likely, the answer is that it leaves the first stage of your relationship and have moved to another. But was it really that easy?

Yes! Most people understand that relationships grow and change over time ... But what many do not know is that they tend to develop in the same way. There are specific, defined levels of long-termoffering new sensations to face new challenges and new opportunities for growth. And if you want to develop your relationship with mutual respect, love and intimacy, it is likely that you have all of the following levels of relationships at some point or another experience. Take a look at the description of each stage - but this does not sound familiar?

Before you begin, you should know that most people experience these stages in this order, and have the determinationChallenges at each stage before moving on successfully to the next. Of course there are always exceptions to this rule. But for the most part, you can not get to experience all these stages, if you want a healthy and fulfilling lives. Each pair will move through these stages at different speeds, and most people experience each stage more than once - it is usual to vary from one stage to another .*

Okay, now that I have given you the basics, let's diga little 'deeper ....

Step 1 - The Stage Romance

This is also known as the phase of courtship, or the stage of imagination, and can be anywhere from 2 months to 2 years. This is when you and your partner have just met, and everything is absolutely amazing. You can not do without them. None of you can do no wrong in the eyes of others ... especially since both have to show your best side. The emphasis at this stage is on commonalities - you have so many interests in common, youcould almost be the same person! Show your partner your best car ever, and you try to get one another as possible. The conflict is seen as "bad" at this stage, and is to be avoided at all costs. You can not imagine life without this person, so that you begin to spend so much time together as possible. This is the stage when our defenses are ahead of you to be open and can fall in love. You and your partner to build an important basis at this stage,Your relationship can grow. There are biological effects. If you are at this stage, the body produces massive amounts of endorphins, which you feel unusually happy, positive and eager to do everything in your life (feeling that this is "madly in love"!). This is the stage most frequently in movies and romance novels, illustrated, for obvious reasons. Bottom line - you are happier than ever, and can not imagine they feel different.

Level 2 -Disillusionment Stage

This phase is also known as the familiarization phase, or phase to adapt to reality. Here you can see that your partner is actually a man (horror of horrors!) Start. You learn to know each other more and more, and as a result you start recognizing their various flaws and shortcomings. See your partner in relaxed situations, and you become more relaxed as well. Since the body can not continue to produce the same amountsEndorphins, which was in the beginning, they begin to sink these feelings of being on top of the world. Partner's little habits are not quite as cute as they are used, but there is still enough goodwill Romance Stage that you are willing to forget. In this phase can begin, slowly in the report, rivulets, as your partner for which he / she begins to really see. Or sometimes it happens suddenly, when there was a sort of dishonesty or fraud. This phasecan be confusing and daunting, because you only have so much and experienced the opening scene of the Latin connection. But at this point, your main task is to learn to communicate and resolve conflicts effectively with this person is, which is an important skill if you want to continue your relationship.

Step 3 - The Stage struggle for power

This phase is also known as the phase or stage of delusion distress. Because the features to improve the phase of disillusionment,are more difficult to treat and harder. Perhaps you start to move away from each other at that stage. At this point, we still believe that the conflict is something "bad", but they are increasingly aware of your many differences. They struggle to draw the boundaries in the relationship, and also because of little annoyances to major issues. This is the stage where it is possible to define unacceptable behavior, and most couples have occasional or frequent thoughts of leaving the relationship. MoreIncreasingly, you start to feel your partner or not self-centered care, or worse, is that they dare not do it. Deep resentments begin to build, if you can not solve your problems in a respectful and mutually acceptable. Many couples are stuck in this stage, since this type of interaction is normal in their relationship. This is when you absolutely must learn to manage your differences effectively - to communicate and work together as a team,But it is tempting to believe that your partner is the sole purpose on this earth to make life difficult. Not surprisingly, this is the stage most couples are breaking in, if they decide to divorce or that. However, if you are able, all mines must be negotiated at this stage, will move to ....

Phase 4 - Phase Stability

This is a quiet and peaceful time, compared to the last stage. This phase is also known as the phase friendship or Reconciliation Stage.Some couples do not do so at this stage, but those who find that their deepest feelings of love, connection and trust their partners. Now you have a history together, and many people begin to rely on the predictability of the relationship. As we enter this phase, you begin to understand that your partner is not perfect, but your personal differences are not as threatening as they are used. Are you able to resolve most of your differences, at least to some extent, andhave more trust in the relationship. Some people feel a sense of loss at this stage, as a partner for what they really learn to accept, as this means going to leave to the imagination, which was founded at the beginning of the relationship. But for most, the deep sense of friendship and commitment to a good compromise for those early feelings of butterflies and excitement. This applies even if you restore your interests and friendships outside startingwere added to the Romanesque period. There is some risk that you will start to move away from or bored with your partner at this stage, you should try to keep the connection that was built in the Romanesque period. Overall, this is the stage where it is finally starting to feel comfortable and satisfied with your deepening relationship.

Step 5 - The Stage commitment

This phase is also called the phase of the acceptance period, the transformation phase, or phase of Real Love known. It isestimated that less than 5% of unmarried couples to make this point, the institute report. This is the stage when both couples have a clear idea of ​​who their partners, have flaws, weaknesses and deficiencies in abundance ... but make a conscious choice to deal with this person in spite of all these things (and in some cases, because these things) are. They are no longer with your partner because you need it, but why did you choose them, which means that the level of resentmentHe felt lost during the struggle for power, if not disappeared. If you have done to this point, you and your partner are a team. You truly love your partner, and look out for their interest just like looking out for your own. Your partner is your best friend. There are some surprises about your partner or habits of character in this phase. They worked together to overcome many challenges together, and must accept each other and support each other, withoutRestriction. Your vision for your relationship is in congruence with who you are and what you really want. Have you discussed your future together - you need to define similar goals in life, and you feel encouraged, you continue the relationship. Many couples choose to establish a formal and public commitment to each other at this stage (eg marriage), their intention to make their relationship even further. This is the stage where your relationship into a genuine partnership.

5 levels of committed relationships

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Friday 23 September 2011

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Monday 22 August 2011

Stage 4 colorectal cancer - do not give up hope when you reach this stage of colorectal cancer

!±8± Stage 4 colorectal cancer - do not give up hope when you reach this stage of colorectal cancer

Once colorectal cancer has reached the level of stage 4, which is the point, statistically speaking, when survival rates quickly. The average five-year survival rate at this stage are more likely 20 to 30 percent. Although these numbers make the prospects look bad, not an end of all hope must be dismissed with stage 4 colon cancer. The importance of screening and early diagnosis at this time is of the utmost importance.

When diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer was, means that the cancer is nowhas occurred in other parts of the body. It 's almost certain that the cancer has spread to the lymphatic system and may be found in the liver, lungs, bones and the brain itself. Even at this stage it is still possible for people to live beyond the expected period of five years. Everything depends on the situation of the spread of stage 4 colon cancer. But in general, the prognosis for stage 4 survival is not overly optimistic.

He has already, when stage 4 colon cancerdiagnosed, there are several medical procedures and treatments that are used to relieve symptoms. In areas where tumors can be removed, the surgery performed to remove these tumors. If surgery is not possible, chemotherapy and radiotherapy are often used to help. Although there may be a "cure" for stage 4 colon cancer, the doctors diagnosed strive to live their lives, if not to help a little 'more to make then at least a little' more enjoyable.

Prevention is of extremeImportance of ensuring that people do not end up with stage 4 colon cancer. This is not in itself prove 100% effective for everyone, but to help prevent this type of cancer, here are some things people can do:

Reduce risk. Not all risks can be removed. Some can, and simply involve changing habits. Smoking, drinking alcohol and a diet high in fat and low in fiber are all risks that may be eliminated. Other personal risk factorsthat can be addressed include obesity and physical inactivity.

Implementation of a screening program. The normal procedure for screening check-up begins around the age of 50 years. However, if the risks are high in a person, then it will begin screening at an earlier date. Both men and women are more susceptible to cancer, can both expect that their medical screening tests required every few years.

The importance of screening programs and reduction of risks are highlighted by the fact that the symptomsexperience of cancer is usually not until the later stages. The best form of defense is a priority of these two things to be installed. In this way you can help reduce the chances of stage 4 colon cancer.

Stage 4 cancer is not good, and if diagnosed with this cancer, this does not mean that all hope is lost. With appropriate medical treatment and care, the probability of hitting the five years the survival rate can be improved. Avoid this situation is mainly dueUsing undergo a combination of prevention and regular screening is obviously the best step. These measures alone will not ensure that you are not reaching stage 4 colon cancer, but will help reduce the chances of promotion of colon cancer.

Stage 4 colorectal cancer - do not give up hope when you reach this stage of colorectal cancer

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Thursday 11 August 2011

Discover Natural Testosterone Booster

!±8± Discover Natural Testosterone Booster

These are simple ways to increase testosterone levels naturally without prescription testosterone replacement therapy can cause side effects that hurt fold.

There are three general areas you should focus on: diet, herbs and exercise.

The best natural ways to increase testosterone levels

We must first talk about nutrition.

Believe it or not, there are certain foods, if you want to increase the concentration of the hormone testosterone.

Underbest natural testosterone booster when it comes to food, are as follows:

Oysters - Oysters on the top list because they are packed with the mineral zinc. Zinc has many important things in the body, but one of them is to create more MUCL promotes and therefore the level of testosterone. Beef Chicken Eggs - The egg yolk contains mainly some important elements for testosterone. For example, egg yolks contain cholesterol and testosterone productionCholesterol. Now, before you think you're going to clog your arteries, not to be too worried. Most people do not realize that actually 85% to 95% of cholesterol is transported from the liver, and not from the foods you eat. Egg yolk, jam and other important nutrients and vitamins. Garlic is one of the best to increase testosterone levels naturally, because there is a strong compound called allicin that can increase the hormone testosterone in it. Allicinbreaks easily, so make sure you eat real garlic - to take dietary supplements that often have no active allicin left. Broccoli and cabbage - can be serious, this great natural testosterone boosters because they contain indole-3-carbinol. Now, before we get too frightened by the sound of this white, only that indole-3-carbinol may reduce estrogen in the body. Estrogen is a female hormone but men also produce it - and, of course, women also produce testosterone too by the way. Too much estrogen can lead to more fat and reduce muscle - and since the muscle is so important for healthy levels of testosterone, high estrogen levels is not good.

You're done. The best way to increase testosterone levels naturally, if you want to focus on a diet.

In addition to the above, be sure not to smoke and drink alcohol to excess, both of which can hurt you in your quest to increase testosterone levels.

Natural Testosterone Booster

Herbs ...

NotHerb direct you out there to increase testosterone, but someone might indirectly help your body to produce more of this vital hormone.

It is probably the best known Tribulus terrestris. Clinical studies have shown Tribulus to increase strength and endurance. Athletes and bodybuilders use it, and there is no prescription in supplement form.

How you will help increase testosterone? In simple terms, our bodies have so-called hormone luteninizing, hereafter referred to asLH.

LH has a role in making more testosterone, the corps commander.

LH and decreases gradually slows down with age.
Tribulus terrestris can naturally increase the levels of LH - LH increased in turn induces the production of testosterone healthier.

Natural Testosterone Booster

Among the best natural ways to increase testosterone levels is exercise. But not just any kind of movement. A walk through the park is not doing the trick.

It should be shortPeriod, reached the high intensity exercise, helps improve the production of human growth hormone and maintains the level of testosterone. Of course, not everyone practicing this hard, so make sure you talk with your doctor before doing so.

But if you claim to do high-intensity exercise such as sprinting to concentrate for a short period. When you train with weights, exercises, large muscles in your body need to perform, such as focusing leg squats and bench presses.

Finally, if youFollow the above tips, you now know the best natural testosterone booster.

Discover Natural Testosterone Booster

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Sunday 7 August 2011

Gift Ideas for first anniversary

!±8± Gift Ideas for first anniversary

Whether you are a first anniversary gift for your partner or friend you want to find something different and special to celebrate this important milestone find.

Paper is traditionally the gift of those who celebrate their first anniversary, and this can send a variety of ways, with a newspaper a year the marriage was contracted or even a pencil drawing of the couple, has become such a gift first anniversary of an enduringSouvenir. The poem is a worthy choice, because not only is your gift is made of paper, also includes the messages of the heart to love to be after only one year, alive and well it should. However, they say, that the first year of marriage is the hardest, they say that you can be an opportunity for "sorry" and need.

Roses are always associated with love, and there are many companies, the roses of red paper, which can be a great romantic gift will also providecustom, this type of gift is usually given from man to woman or woman to man. The benefits of giving paper roses is that they remain as a memento of the occasion special and in accordance with the traditional theme of paper on the first anniversary.

Because the paper is traditionally the first anniversary could also consider a message in a bottle, is not only a personal message written on the card, which will be to keep up with traditionfor this year of marriage.

If you are looking for a gift for your husband or wife, you really want to make a gift that shows how much you love them and have the gift you choose to think of the reception. If your anniversary gift is homemade or from a business needs something from the heart, can truly appreciate.

Many people these days, for one reason or another are simple low-key weddings taking place at the registry office with only the bride and groom andWitness present. If the marriage was of this type, and you have not used a traditional reception, can be a good idea to get your first anniversary by throwing a big party for all the family and friends who are not able to attend your wedding , celebrate the festival.

Alternatively, you may also want to celebrate an anniversary with you and your loved ones. A good idea would be to book a romantic evening or a weekend together. Make sure when you when you decide to do this, theYou book in advance and during the booking process, because they groped luck and leave the hotel on its first anniversary year as you never know, they can throw in a bottle of champagne or a bouquet of flowers at no additional cost.

Whatever you choose, remember that your first anniversary should be that you never forget how in the first year of marriage and the beginning of a happy and loving relationship with your partner makes.

Gift Ideas for first anniversary

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Saturday 30 July 2011

6 Common Teacher Interview Questions and how to respond

!±8± 6 Common Teacher Interview Questions and how to respond

If you receive a call from a school administrator inviting you for a teaching job interview, how do you feel? Happy? Enthusiastic? Excited? Nervous? Scared Stiff?

You do not have to worry about the interview, if you are a well prepared and qualified candidate. Preparing for an interview is a bit of teaching 'how to study for a test. You can check to reflect frequently asked questions about what you say before you go to do their best. If you prepare in advance, the interview questionsseem routine and familiar. You will have answers to the tip of your tongue, ready-to-go.

Here is a list of six most frequently asked questions from my eBook Teacher interviews, the first steps of teaching your dream job guide. How to answer every question?

1 Tell us about yourself.

This is the first question at almost every interview. Only a brief introduction in about three sentences. Tell them what you've graduated from college, what they are certified to teach,What are your educational and work experience, and because we love the work.

2 How do you meet the state standards to teach?

If it comes to interview in the U.S., love the state school administrators, local or national standards? Make your party know that everything you do ties into standards. Ensure that programs have in your portfolio standards state the right bet on it. If you ask them, pull out the lesson and show the close connection betweenTheir teaching and standards.

3 How will you prepare students for standardized assessment?

There are standardized assessments at almost all levels of quality. Make sure you know the names of the tests. Talk about your experiences to prepare students. You get bonus points if you know and describe the format of the test, because this will prove your familiarity.

4 Describe your philosophy of discipline.

He spends a lot of positive reinforcement. They are solid, butdo not cry. You have appropriate consequences for inappropriate behavior. You have your classroom rules are clearly written on the walls. They put together routines to follow, the students. What are the policies of school discipline. Also emphasize that you suspect discipline problems will be minimal, because the lessons are very interesting and engaging for students. Do not tell the interviewer that "sends kids the manager's office," whenever there is a problem. You should be ablewith more discipline problems on their own. Only students who had committed serious behavior problems are sent to the office.

5 How can we ensure that the needs of students with an IEP?

PEI is an "IEP". To Students with special needs has an IEP, or a list of things you do when the child is taught, must be specified. An IEP can "needs all the test questions read aloud," everything "more time to study" up "to closeTextbook in Braille. "How do you ensure that the needs of a student with an IEP? First, read the IEP. If you have any questions, please contact your education teacher, counselor or other staff can help you. Then you just make sure follow the requirements of the IEP word for word. If necessary, you will be asked to a meeting where you can submit proposals for updating the IEP will be invited. Your goal and purpose of the IEP, is to ensure that the studentwhat they need to succeed in the classroom.

6 How do you go to communicate with parents?

This issue will come to school almost every interview. And 'quite common in middle school and high school as well. Perhaps you have a weekly newsletter that will send parents home every week. For grades 3 and higher, you may ask students to a book assignment, must be signed every night. In this way parents know what tasks are met and projectsdue. If we have discipline problems you call home and share with parents. It 'important to have an open door policy and invite parents to share their concerns at any time.

For more teacher interview questions, I invite you to my eBook to obtain the educational work of your dreams ( download. In it you will find 50 common interview questions and answers and practical advice to get the job learning to get.

6 Common Teacher Interview Questions and how to respond

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All Tabata - Four minutes of pain gain

!±8± All Tabata - Four minutes of pain gain

The Tabata protocol is an intensive training program, the substantial achievements. A Tabata workout (as a sequence of Tabata) is a training exercise interval of 20 seconds of maximum intensity, by 10 seconds rest, repeated 8 times continuously followed for a total of four minutes. In a group setting, you can keep score by counting the number of installations of jumps / / whatever you do in 20 seconds of each round. The tour with the smallest number is your score.

CreditFor this simple yet powerful training method belongs to its namesake, Dr. Izumi Tabata and a team of researchers from the National Institute of Fitness and Sports in Tokyo, Japan. Their innovative 1996 study in the journal Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise published, has provided documented evidence of the dramatic physiological benefits of high intensity intermittent. After only 6 weeks of testing, Dr. Tabata noted a 28% increase in anaerobic capacity in hisSubjects consumed with an increase of 14% of their capacity for oxygen (V02max). These results were witnessed in already physically fit athletes. The conclusion was that only four minutes of Tabata interval training, do more, could increase your aerobic and anaerobic resistance training hours.

Although Dr. Tabata used a mechanically braked cycle exercise machine, you can use this protocol to be applied to any exercise. For example, a basic Tabata workout can be performed withSit-ups. The muscles most used better, so that the full bent-knee sit-ups. Sit-up non-stop for 20 seconds, followed by 10 seconds of rest. Repeat for a total of 8 cycles.

How effective can only be four minutes of exercise? ... Very. You will be amazed at how intense the four minutes of exercise will be surprised. The tax ranges of both aerobic and anaerobic energy systems. To be clear, this is not "eight sets of eight," although the goal of doing eight reps in each of the 20 / 2Cluster is about right. Instead, it is "how can I get repetitions in" during the 20 seconds, 10 seconds of rest.

It helps to be able to see a wall clock with a second hand during 4 minutes of fun. Stop at 20 seconds, 10 seconds of rest, and leave. Watching the clock helps with your attention and even counting in eight rounds ...

Here is an example Tabata workout. This training consists of 4 separate Tabata intervals, every 4 minutes. The entireTraining lasts 16 minutes. To always start with a session of moderate heating and cool-down. And if you're already in good shape, with a doctor before trying.

* Jump Rope

* Pushups

* Squat

* Chin-ups or pull-ups

Note the break in training Tabata 10 seconds are important, both physically and mentally. Not only for the partial recovery, but also provide psychological relief. Switching back and forth from work to rest makes the workout goquickly. It also provides access to a higher level of intensity that the intervals are all about practice.

Another great Tabata exercise is the "squat thruster." The squat thruster is one of the largest elevators made popular by organizations such as CrossFit. Take two dumbbells and hold them at shoulder height. Squat and pushed back the tail, hold the dumbbells on the shoulders. As you move up, press the bells in the locked position at the top. The tax may be the keyClimbing or use the momentum to "kick" the bells in my head. Keep your weight on your heals and go light! At 25 pounds dumbbell in each hand is a very difficult thruster workout!

Virtually any form of cardiovascular exercise that will use a large number of muscles tailored to Tabata interval training to be fit, so feel free to be creative. In addition to the exercises mentioned above, I use them with sprints, Burpees, a jump rope, heavy bag, treadmill and rowing machine. Decrease the 'Likelihood of injury by choosing a rate for each level of intensity of conditioning - to be conservative. Incorporate variety into your Tabata workout. A couple of sessions a week provide a lot of intensity.

All Tabata - Four minutes of pain gain

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Thursday 28 July 2011

How to tell if a guy you like: looks like you? Why are men so difficult to read?

!±8± How to tell if a guy you like: looks like you? Why are men so difficult to read?

First of all, no matter what your heart tells you or how your mind forces you to think, not obsessed with a guy you can never have. There are so many more fish in the sea, so many people can love that truly deserves your love. It is not always bad for a guy who will never learn to appreciate you. The characters are as follows:

If his candidate for a Booty Call and then did not know during the day.

If he uses them.

If he abusesThem.

If it hurts. For example, he calls you fat. It says playfully tease you, you really feel like garbage.

When he talks about you behind your back. If he starts rumors about you ...

To understand this, guys can be really bad sometimes. Go ahead, if you answered yes to any of these.

Now that we have of the way, here comes the juicy part. As you can tell when a guy you like? You like. The feeling in the stomach, he likes you back. But it is necessarysome substantial evidence. I do not want to enter the type of guys out there, because in the end, there will always be a group of kids who do not have recess in the fall. These suggestions are not foolproof, since human nature is always fickle. So I suggest you read this and use it as a reference and not your bible.

ONE strategy

Ask. He says that you like. Case closed. You're done. But for fear of rejection, it is possible at all? If only it were that simple. I'll tell you. Ask.This will save you a lot of time. If he says no, then it is understandable that he can not and even after that for some time. Therefore, it is he who repents later, when he falls for you in return, I will hang out and stuff ... Maybe not, because if you refuse, it's too embarrassing ... So, what you can do is this ....

"You like me?"


"I knew it, I do not like either." Haha!

"You like me?"

"Yes, as aFriend. "

"I was worried because I thought that I liked as a friend ..." Saved!

Like when you say that you like so that he likes her and not as a friend, then you have only yourself points for your dream man.

Signs that he likes you
He blushes and sweats. You intimidate him.

He stares you. (It can be a stalker, beware)

He does things deliberately to get your attention.

He stammers when he speaks to you.

His pupils dilate whenclosely and you see them ... Beware, pupils dilate when it is dark, mostly.

He is waiting for you. Watch out for you.

He laughs your jokes when no one else does.

He wants to make fun of her, for him to remember and notice him.

He listens and remembers little details really.

He notices slight changes in your appearance.

It seems sad if they ignore it.

It seems jealous when you're with another man. Whoo.

His friends all know, if youI do not know.

He smiles when you smile at him.

Often fixed and if you catch him, he's doing pretty dizzy, very fast!

He works for you sweet. Defends and protects you. It tolerates it will mean for him.

Signs that a player

He is a good orator. He is very comfortable around you.

He puts his hands on them easily.

Every other girl loves him.

Just be careful.

There are many more characters, but,just go with your heart, you take care of themselves and things happen naturally. Should be, it should be.

How to tell if a guy you like: looks like you? Why are men so difficult to read?

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